The Architecture of Reassurance, Graphite on Strathmore 400 Bristol Board, 16 x 20"
Houses of the Cotton Candy Kingdom #3, Graphite on Strathmore 400 Bristol Board, 18 x 18” Framed
That Was How You Kept What Was Given Away, Graphite on 400 Bristol Board, 19 x 27"
Untamed Shame and Selective Fidelity, Charcoal on Arches HP 300lb, 30 x 20"
Whispers in Porcelain, Colored Pencil on Paper mounted on birch panel, 18 x 24"
Ancient and Tremulous, Digital media (Procreate) on Heavyweight Canvas, 18 x 30"
Panem et Circenses, Colored Pencil on Canford Imperial Paper (Bubblegum), 20 x 28"
The Truth as it was Told to Me, Colored Pencil on Strathmore 400 Bristol Board, 20 x 16"